About Us
A Message from the Founder
A few years back, I used to work as an environmental educator at a nature center near Baltimore, MD. I had the most wonderful time taking care of 19 non-releasable birds of prey, including a little American Kestrel. I had the amazing opportunity to provide outreach environmental education with these animal ambassadors, traveling to schools and teaching at the nature center, fostering environmental stewardship across generations.
During my time at the nature center, I stumbled across a relatively new program: the Non-Eagle Feather Repository.
Akin to the National Eagle Feather Repository (est. in the early 1970s), The Non-Eagle Feather Repository (est. in 2012) collects, stores, and distributes non-eagle feathers to Native Americans for cultural and religious purposes, at no cost. This is the only way for Native Americans to legally receive these culturally and religiously significant feathers and parts.
In addition, only facilities who are authorized to possess non-eagle birds of prey are able to contribute feathers and/or parts to this program. As a result, rehabilitation centers and housing centers (i.e. state parks) become an integral part of this collection program
During my time at the nature center, we were able to send the naturally molted feathers to the National Eagle Feather Repository and The Non-Eagle Feather Repository. We were able to mail non-eagle, naturally molted feathers with the support of state funding.
As a result of my time interacting and working with rehabilitation facilities through my state park naturalist position, I came to realize that for most wildlife facilities, funding can sometimes be tight, and budgets may not allow for the shipment of feathers and/or parts to this federally recognized repository, despite their willingness to participate.
The personalized outpouring of gratitude that I received back in 2011 from the non-eagle feather repository’s pilot program for our feather donations created a lasting impression on me. As I moved on with my career, I never forgot the importance of their mission, and wanted to find away to support them.
That’s where the idea of Kestrel Post arose.
Kestrel Post seeks to fulfill that financial gap by paying postage costs, enabling wildlife facilities to donate to the non-eagle feather repository when they would otherwise not be able to.
I hope that in visiting this site, you learn more about our mission and how to best become involved. It’s a cause that I am very passionate about. We look forward to having you on board!
With Gratitude,
Brooke Warrington

Brooke Warrington
Currently working as an environmental educator, Brooke founded Kestrel Post in memory of the American Kestrel she worked with. She is very passionate about Kestrel Post's mission, and hopes that this facilitation of donations will assist in providing a wider availability of feathers and parts to Native American communities.
Patrick Thayer

Patrick has a background in biotech and 3D printing with a passion for problem-solving issues facing society.
Additional Tidbits
Finances and Logistics
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Online Campaign
Thank you all so much! Our initial online campaign with Start Some Good was successfully funded!
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